The Giants of Mont’e Prama
We are archers, warriors, boxers but everyone call us the Giants.
We are the ancient statues of Mont’e Prama, we are the figures of skilled, fearless young men.
Some of us bear the arms of war: the finely-worked pectoral, shield and sword, or the bow with a quiver full of arrows. Others show, on a body wearing only a loincloth with a rear triangle, the arms of ritual boxing: the glove armed with a point and a light curved shield.
All around us, the sacred stones and models of the tall stone towers express the cultural identity of our people, built over the centuries on this great island.
At one time, we stood in serried ranks in the necropolis along the road at the foot of the hill, in western Sardinia, in the countryside of Cabras, in the Sinis district.
The type represented is that of the praying archer known from bronze statuettes. Indeed, comparison with the bronzes has been very useful for reconstruction of the missing parts of the stone statue. Unfortunately, since we have no well-preserved heads, we can only assume they were similar to those of the warriors.